Monday 27 August 2007

Relaxing Bank Holiday weekend? Oh no!

I thought bank holidays were meant to be relaxing? Went out on Saturday to get a gas cylinder for the patio heater at a local Tesco garage but they didn't have any and suggested we go to a local trader. When we got there did they have gas cylinders? Oh yes, hundreds of them but also a number of barbeque sets and Mrs H. was out of the car like a shot giving them the once over. Anyway, upshot is we ended up buying this massive thing and then the conversation turned to where are we going to keep it as I'm fed up with wheeling ours from the garage to the garden on those infrequent occasions we have a bbq (don't get me started on British weather). Solution? Build a patio! So, the next 2 days are taken up with removing bits of trees, digging up turf, going to the tip, more turf, more trees, more trips to the tip and finally by Bank Holiday Monday afternoon the patio is finished - but I'm knackered! How do builders, especially the 50 year old ones, cope? Just get used to it I suppose.
Bit of a rant now, about that poor 11 year old that got shot. Part of the solution I reckon is to get more police on the streets, get a bit of visibility. It worked in New York City which was a very dangerous place to be, but by introducing a zero tolerance policy and getting police on the street it now has the lowest crime rate of the ten largest cities in the US.
I can't let this post go without a tribute to Ivor Emmanuel, a Welsh musical theatre star of the 50s and 60s, but perhaps best known for his role as Private Owen in the film Zulu. He's the one that started the chorus of 'Men Of Harlech' in retort to the Zulu war chanting in the final battle scene. (none of this actually happened but it was a good part of the film.) He was also one of the scouts who comes back with the news that the Zulus were approaching, which is then passed on to Lieutenant Chard (Stanley Baker) by Colour Sergeant Bourne (Nigel Green) in the immortal phrase ' Zulus to the South East Sir...thousands of 'em.'
Anyway, RIP Ivor who died last month and thanks to Wikipedia for the Zulu info!

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