Thursday 30 August 2007

War Babies

For my 50th birthday earlier this year my kids got me the box set of World At War dvds. Is this the best documentary ever made, it's got to be! Informative,exciting, intelligent and moving, pretty much everything that tv isn't today. I recently read a comment by journalist Danny Kelly that men of a certain age (i.e. born in the mid to late 50s) have an unusual interest in war. I believe that's true as many of my contemporaries are interested in World War 2 and World War 1. I also am quite interested in the Vietnam War, probably as I can remember watching it unfold on our old black and white tv in the 60s, and another friend of mine is into the American Civil War (yes, you Mr Ragbourne!) Why is that? I would theorise it's because we were the first of many generations that were not actually involved first hand in any conflicts, lucky bastards that we are. Either that or we're just sad anoraks who like to talk about areoplanes, battles and visiting ancient battlefields (note to self: go and see the Somme battlefield one day).

And now for another in the occasional lists series:

10 things I liked about the 80s:

1) Having my kids (yes, obvious one)
2) Getting married (in case she reads this!)
3) Seeing the Grand Canyon
4) Being fit
5) Ghost Town
6) Wembley 1983
7) Bentleys and Mr Ks night clubs
8) Royal Wedding 1981 (but only for the day off work)
9) CDs - how can vinyl be better, bit old lumps of plastic that scratched?
10) Ra-ra skirts (who doesn't?)

10 things I didn't like about the 80s:

1) John Lennon being shot
2) Thatcher
3) Jive Bunny
4) My mullet that I briefly had (picture available on request)
5) Red braces (worse than flares, in my opinion)
6) Wembley 1983 (replay)
7) Severe food poisioning on my honeymoon
8) Video recorders that chewed up tapes
9) The moustache that I had
10) Aceeeeeeeeddddddd!!!

That's all folks!



smarty said...

Another good thing about the 80s was most girls were relatively slim. Sometimes today I wondered if I fell asleep and woke up in fat world.I cant believe every fat woman has either big bones or has a bad metabolism. No mostly its a case of being both bone idle and shoving too much junk food down their necks.
In the 80s if you pulled a larger girl it was considered something of a novelty - nowadays I dont envy any bloke on the pull. These days getting a date with a girl weighing less than 15 stone who doesn't cough and wheeze her way through 50 fags a day must be considered something of a catch!


hughesy said...

Is that relatively slim to you? Have you forgotten the fat 'un?!

No, I agree too much junk and not enough activity - no, pushing the buttons on a remote control does not count as exercise.
Another good thing I thought of was Auf Wiedersehen Pet, best drama ever?

Keith M said...

Didn't realise that Rags was into the American Civil War - probably a consequence of those civil war cards you got in the bubble gum packs. Remember them? - really blood thirsty and likewise the WW2 cards - anyone still got them? If so, might exchange for some of my footie cards.

As regards CDs I'm afraid there's some vinyl albums that the CD version will never match eg. Who Live at Leeds (all those posters and stuff that you just couldn't get in a cd) and for similar reasons, Jethro Tulls Thick as a Brick - I'm still trying to finish the crossword in the newspaper that doubled as the cover.