Wednesday 26 September 2007

They said you was hung!

As anyone who knows me well will tell you, my favourite all-time film is Blazing Saddles. Now I tried showing my kids this classic pice of cinematic genius, but they were not impressed. I guess that the use of the 'N' word renders this film now as a museum piece, like the D W Griffith film 'Birth Of A Nation' (look it up, I'm not doing it all for you). I guess one of the good things about modern life is that people are more tolerant of minorities. Certainly, at the local comprehensive my two both had friends of all colours, ethnic backgrounds and different sexual persuasions. When I was a lad the only black kid I knew was Phil who lived one road up from me, and he was a foster kid to a white family. I didn't get to know any gay people until I started my part time job at the Bedford Hotel, and although they say 1 in 4 men are gay I certainly to this day don't know of any kids at our all boys school that are (or were) gay. But I'm prepared to listen to any gossip that says otherwise. As I've got a glass of wine on the go and I'm feeling particularly lazy tonight after a long day, here's a way to fill up space. Going back to my first sentence, here it is - another list - my 10 all-time favourite films!

1) Blazing Saddles
2) The Deerhunter
3) Casablanca
4) Pulp Fiction
5) The Conversation
6) Angels With Dirty Faces
7) Life of Brian
8) Monty Python And The Holy Grail
9) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
10) Duck Soup

Any you're not familiar with please check out on

Until next time pop pickers, when I will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the birth of Radio 1!!



Steve (or Frank, depending who's reading!) said...

"They said you was hung..." Technically of course it should have been "hanged".
Pictures are hung, people are hanged, not that it makes too much difference to the individual, I would imagine - the result is probably much the same.
Which reminds me of the joke about a guy takes his tie back to C&A because it was too tight.....

And I can't believe that in your top ten films you haven't included Blade Runner or Heat.....or The Man Who Would be King. You need to explore more genres on the old IMDB to referesh your ailing memory! It's obviously not THAT great being 50,yeah !

And I bet you've got Angels with Dirty Faces in for the scene atop the petrol container where he says "Top of the World, Ma! Top of the World...." just before it all goes KHAAAAABLOOIE, right? It's one of my favourite scenes in film too along with the line of "...I've seen things you can't imagine.....I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion......" from Blade Runner.

On the subject of Python, "Was it an African or European Swallow? I don't know that ...AHHHhhhhhhhh........"

Steve (or Frank, depending who's reading!) said...

.....what about Get Carter, The Italian Job, Where Eagles Dare, Star Wars (take your pick which one - but original trilogy, obviously) and the original Raiders, especially the scene in the market where after a MASSIVE fight the guy with the big scimitar turns up and Indie just shoots him. Quality! Now whey didn't the James Bond baddies think of that?

hughesy said...

Frank, check out the number one film in the list, the title is a line from that and the gag wouldn't work otherwise!
I'm not big on Sci-fi, hence no
Blade Runner, Star Wars etc. I liked Heat, but a good Pacino film (apart from the Godfather which would have been no 11 in my list) is The Scent Of A Woman. where Eagles Dare, great film but not good enough for the Hughes top 10. By the way, the Cagney scene atop the petrol container is in White Heat, not Angels With Dirty Faces'!

Steve (or Frank, depending who's reading!) said...

Hiya Hughesy,
Yeah, I knew the line was from the was all a convoluted way to get my joke about the necktie in! Oh, and a chance to have a dig at our American friends for their use of our language.

Noooooo! I can't believe I've got my Cagney's mixed up. It just shows it's been too long since they ran all the old films on Friday night / Sunday afternoons (obviously even I am too young to have seen them at the pictures!)

Keep up the good blogging, I really must get my own........

Not ungodley said...

How about a list of your top music related films, here's a few ideas:
Spinal Tap
That'll Be The Day
Slade In Flame
please don't anyone mention Grease