Tuesday 2 October 2007

Happy Birthday Radio One!

Radio One was born when I was 10 years old so it kind of grew up with me. It's hard to believe now that it was really the only radio station that you could listen to that played pop music, excepting Radio Luxemburg (Fab 208!) which was good but it really use to piss me off they way it used to fade in and out. It was like being a French Resistance fighter trying to pick up the BBC during the war!
My best memories of Radio One were the roadshows; I managed to get to two. The first one was in Great Yarmouth on the famous Norfolk Broads holiday of 1974, the second was in Cornwall (my memory fails me for once - was it Newquay or Falmouth?) in the long hot summer of 1976. By this time Noel Edmonds held no fascination for me as I had been working in the same building as him for a year so saw him quite regularly. Anyway, the only real reason for going to the roadshows was to pick up girls, which myself and my holiday chums failed spectacularly at both times! I'm sure those holidays will come up again in the future so watch this space.
My other great memory of Radio One was listening to it on the way up to Sheffield for a weekend of heavy drinking and more attempts to snare the opposite sex in April 1980. Two songs released that week that got heavy airplay that day were 'Rough Boys' by Pete Townshend and 'Turn It On Again' by Genesis, and still every time I hear one of these songs it takes me back to that time when my hair was longer, I could run upstairs without getting out of breath and my liver was (almost) intact. Happy days!


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