Sunday 28 October 2007

Wet Winter Sundays

Anyone remember the famous Hancock sketch about Sundays and how boring they are? If you think back 30+ years they were pretty dull, nothing open, everyone having roast dinner 'because we always have done and that's the way it's going to be'. It's so much better now - shops are open if that's your thing, pubs, bars and restaurants are open much longer instead of the archaic licensing laws that held sway in this country for 90 odd years, live football on the tv if you want it. So if they are that much better I hear you say then why are you in writing your blog? Well, the truth is that when it's wet, windy and raining out then indoors is the best place to be anyway. Maybe that's why the typical British Sunday was always dull, because apart from about 5 times a year the weather is so crap there is nothing better to do than sit around indoors! So there, I'm off to drink a few glasses of wine and watch some tv in front of a blazing fire, pipe and slippers on etc etc. Yes, sometimes being 50 does have a lot going for it....

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