Monday 12 November 2007

It's a Tie

So, whoever decided that a piece of coloured cloth knotted around your neck was smart? I guess this dated back to the 18th century (fashion historians help me out here!) when cravats probably first came into existence, that's what I remember from pictures in history books, anyway! It seems that this fashion has been around a long time as we are still wearing them so they are pretty well ingrained in the culture now. But I think it's still unfair that men are expected to 'be smart' wearing a suit and tie and yet women can still express themselves pretty much any way they please and it's still regarded as smart. Still, I think this is getting better as most companies sensibly allow casual dress when they are doing nothing more than sitting in an office all day and rightly so. But correct is that if they are going out to meet people they should be smart as anything less may give the wrong impression of the company they represent. I've just re-read what I've written so far and my rant about expectations of men's clothing have turned into a rather conciliatory piece about the correctness of wearing a tie - that's the trouble as you get old, your mind wanders quickly and you lose the point. Still, could be worse, could be raining.

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