Monday 5 November 2007

How to pass the time when you are off sick

Had the unfortunate experience of being off sick from work last week. Nothing serious, and I was a bitdiappointed as it's the first time that I've missed work through sickness for 3 years - not bad for a 50 year old! No doubt it'll get worse as I get 0lder and start getting things like gout and 'a bit of a chest'. Anyway, while sitting round at home not really feeling like doing much I watched some films that I have had sitting on my DVD recorder for some months and have never got round to watching.
The first one was Amelie, a French film from 2001 with subtitles. I don't particularly like subtitled films (I suppose it's hard to concentrate on words and pictures at my age) but this was really quite good, very quirky with some great performances.
Second one was Once Upon A Time In America a film from 1984. This is a a sprawling epic directed by Sergio Leone and starring Robert De Niro, and it covers about 60 years in the lived of some Jewish kids from New York who become gangsters. Very long, but well worth staying with to the end.
Last up wasn't one from the DVD recorder but a purchase from Tesco's. This was Sleepers from 1996 and has a stellar cast of Robert De Niro (again), Kevin Bacon, Brad Pitt, Dustin Hoffman and Minne Driver. Once again it's about some poor Italian kids from New York (bit of a thread here?) who get mixed up with gangsters and end up in reform school but I won't say any more as it will ruin the story for anyone who wants to see it.
And why not? as Barry Norman used to say when his film review show was worth staying up for.
And finally, farewell to Myles Rudge. Who, I can hear say? The man who wrote that Junior Choice staple Right Said Fred as well as Hole In The Ground, both for Bernard Cribbins died last month aged 81. 'So Fred said let's have another cup of tea and then we went home'. Magic!

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