Tuesday 4 August 2009

Tears are not enough

So the football season is upon us again. Come the end of this season let's hope we have no more histrionics from Premiership fans, boohooing because their club have been relegated, usually after only one season in the top flight anyway. So you really thought you had a chance of winning the league? the best you were ever going to get was 6th, be thankful you are going into a league that is one of the top 10 supported leagues in Europe and at least you have a chance of some success there. If you want real football tragedy then look at the clubs at the bottom of league 2 who are going out of the league, that's a real reason for blubbing on the tv. Out of the league, having to go and play in places like Barrow and Crawley, real possibilities of players having to go part time, that's something to moan about. Pathetic Premiership fans, support a proper football club, like Brighton (but never, ever, support Palace - sorry Pete!)

Football trivia question:

Name 8 England players with an "x" in their surname?

Answer in next posting (and no cheating and looking it up on the internet- like I did.)

1 comment:

Steve (or Frank, depending who's reading!) said...

As Noel Gallagher said on the TalkSport radio advert for his show (with the irrelevant Russell Brand !?) "There's nothing funnier on Match of the Day that watching fat Geordies crying !"

But of course to Premiership fans, that IS proper football and they do follow a proper football club.

The fact that they are fortunate enough to follow a team that can spend even a fleeting instant in the top tier of our national game is a cause for celebration whilst it lasts and occasional desolation when it ends.
I don't recall Albion fans saying they were constantly longing for a return to the third rung of professional football between the years of 1979-1983. As I recall it the town was a-buzz with talk of visiting opponents such as Arsenal, United, Liverpool and so on.

No, Hughesy, can't agree with you there, I'm afraid - it's all proper football and they are all proper football clubs and, in the main, proper football fans, too.

Truth be told, we'd all delight if we were able to watch some of the world's best players turing up at Withdean every other week.

But, for the time being we will all delight in the joy a new season brings, the ever bright optimism of the first game and we will remain ever faithful, as all fans do for their own teams, until the harsh realities of the season dawn and the glory and immortality of sporting achievement are eroded for another season - unless we are one of the few fortunate clubs paying a small fortune to achieve this year. Others will pay a small fortune (unlike the Premiership where clubs will pay a large fortune) to achieve precisely nothing.

Bring on Warsaw.... " Who are Ya?"