Friday 17 August 2007

Friday 17/08/07 As I hit 50 some months ago and was fed up with watching those 'grumpy old men and women' on TV, I thought I would start this blog to represent all of use who are 50+ and who aren't moany old gits (although I don't particularly like rap music - except old school rap like the Sugar Hill Gang and Grandmaster Flash). Let's be fair, there are a lot of things around now that are great - I think mobile phones are very useful and it's much easier to access porn now we have the internet! (not that I do.... well, occasionally).
Talking of the internet, everyone says 'how great it is, you get people putting music on Myspace and then next week they've sold 25,000 downloads and are number one'. Let me say I think that's crap becausea) When I was a teenager if you sold 25,000 singles you were playing some local working mens club up north, or Jenkinsons bar in Brighton (fellow Brightonians will recognise this reference). You needed 100,000 sales to get in the top 30!b) By advertising the music on the internet these singers/bands have not spent a number of years slogging round perfecting the art of performing, so while they may make great music they have no stagecraft and therefore are poor to watch.
Sorry about that, starting to sound like a 50 year old...but it's true!
When i was a kid, certainly up until the early 70s at least, all adults would always be smartly dressed, did you notice your dad putting on 'just a casual suit to go and repair something in the shed?' OK, I may be exaggerating a bit there but being 50 is definitely the new 20. I rarely wear a tie now which I think is great - whoever thought it was smart to wear a piece of coloured cloth around your neck?Anyway, will sign off for now, need to do some guitar practice. Yes, I know I don;t really need to but Clapton didn't get as good as his is without putting in the hours.

1 comment:

Steve (or Frank, depending who's reading!) said...

Hughesy ! What a great idea. I've been thinking of having my own blog for some little while now but had no clear idea on the theme, though had a few broad concepts.

Anyway, as I reached my 50 around 19 months ago, maybe it's an age thing...

Also, now, I don't need to bother, I can view your general ramblings and merely respond, thus saving myself original thought for which onerequires to get anywhere near a Phd.

So, fed up of watching 'Grumpy Old..' programmes, eh? Then why does your blog sound like some of them? And before you start, I LOVE them and find myself sympathising with most of their sentiments; in fact Mrs Frank often refers to me as 'Victor' ! 'Nuff said.

Football's dead right; on my half a dozen trips to the Albion a season I find myself feeling short changed at the number of games where we finish with less than the full complement on one side or the other (and sometimes both) and murmering to myself "Sending off? It wasn't even a foul in my day!" and you know what? All the 50 ish olds agree!

I remember Kevin Langley cutting a guy in half at hip height in a Sunday morning game up at Rowan Ave (on the half way line, mind) just 'cos he would have got through and that merely warranted a finger wagging from the official in charge.

Remember the "tackle" Chopper Harris attempted on George Best when Bestie rode the challenge and promptly ghosted the ball past the hapless goalie? These days Harris would have been looking at a three game stretch and the faithful Chelsea supporters would have been without their skipper. Travesty.

I agree with the war thing too; always been fascinated by WWII documentaries (though I preferred "All Our Yesterdays") Again, born in '56 only 11 years after the war I was able to relate and, growing older, as you say, thanking my lucky stars I never got anywhere NEAR a real war.

Dunno about you, but often ask myself, could I have done it? Could I have done my duty without falling to pieces? Nearest I'll ever get to it is playing 'Medal of Honour' on the PS2 and even that gets me ducking for cover!

So, top job on the blog so far, it may even prompt me.....